Today ,my heart is filled up with full of gratification and sactisfaction...How come I have this feeling?We went to the park and intended to jog ...unfortunately,due to some reasons, we changed our mind -play kites...before that,we had walked around the whole park twice...actually ruiz already brought her kite from house to the park and another kite is owned by our cutie-yann who bought from an uncle inside the park...and mine was in my time bring...
Upon reached the next area which is opposite to the park,within few minutes,we tried to let the kites fly up to the blue sky...due to the first time playing,we had tried some times...
Eventually,the allegedly light kites were being flied up....keep on fly up to the sky...actually,the technique playing kites is not difficult,just moving your fingers and hands ...then the kite will automatically rise up...
About 7.oo p.m,we winded up the line of kites and get ready to back home...but the beutiful scene there let us can't stand anymore...without thinking anymore,yann's hp was taken out and being acted as our camera man,*zig zag* (sound of camera)jot down all the pattern we are come the three persons in the picture are so pretty and match up the scene here?!haha....cherish,cherish and cherish....
This game is ended up with a non-stop laughter ,giggle and happiness toady is all from my dearest and loving friends...thanks for you all...THE MEMORY YOU EVER GAVE ME I WILL BURY IT INSIDE MY HEART wherever I go a wonderful experience that first time play kite with you ...
I really love this feelings...playing,enjoying,running,laughing,talking,and screaming....all this -ing connotes we are undergoing the happiness scenario today...hope this moment never end...always stay in that moment...the simplest way we play,the greatest gratifition we gain...