tiramisu cake !!!delicious !!

menu ...

this pic is full of feel oh...

my birthday cake!!!

this cake is mixed edited...haha

six of us are outside the ground ...yeah we have played a whole day!

great time with great friends !!!

give me five!!!

this is terk chian...

after playing , try to wear off the shoes....

he is our driver on that day... yi ze...

six of us are eating korean food...

me and lit cheng take photos...

a korean restaurant - near the sutera mall...

rice on the table now!!!so sweet ....

korean kimchi pot....not bad ><

tools used to eat ...

some snacks....but><

my favourite - fried rice cakes with eggs...

six pieces of cakes with different favours...

special group !

sze yiing , yi ze and me. are on the road...dangerous...

cutie - sze yiing!

before my journey to celebration
23-1-2010 : Yang di-pertuan Negeri Johor had been passed away in the midnight ...my birthday celebration is full with dark ...we have wear black clothes onto our hands to show our respect to HIM. I thought my birthday celebration had been cancelled ...and stayed at home lol...
there' s friends ask me to go out for celebration in the night...in night , i drive my car to fetch jia hui, sze ee, choo choo , wei ping to a caffee house near sutera mall.we'd chatted online with yi qian ...and took photos through msn. it's quite happy and high of us...we changed our gathering to mc donald in nusa bestari ....wei ping had treated me a mc flurry with oreo inside the cup....great taste!
Another celebration was on 24th january 2010 oh... yi ze brought me and lit cheng to sze yiing'house to fetch sze yiing...before that , he lied me that only lit cheng , me n him go to play skatting...no more girls...I'm quite shocked that only a few ppl join...about 12.30p.m somemore, he arrived my house and continue to lie me that he want to back home to take his shirts to go to desaru...i'm in the dark ....oh gosh ! as reached 'his house' , sze yiing , my dear friend was coming to get on the car..haha...
This is the 'big' surprise they gave me...am touched!!! put effort on celebrating my birthday , keep asking me where i wan to go and play...after that, we went to eat korean food near sutera mall . the food there is 'damn nice and delicious' lol...make me can't forget the taste ....haha..there's add somemore friends who are ramzen, lit yat, and terk chian. then , we set off to go to skudai parade for skating!!! yeah !finally i had played skating with you all...damn happy and feel sorry for sze yiing who had fallen down several times for the sake of me....thank you and love you so much!xp...yi ze is the one who plays well and leads us into the ground for skating...thank you and appreciate it ....n lit cheng who keep on asking me where to go and play ...thank you!the others one i wan to say thank you for accompanying me for the games... love the day and the great time!
After playing , we walked around the shopping mall and went to sutera mall for eating dinner and cakes....the KFC is the best choice to go...N we had bought seven secret recipe's cakes to there...this dinner let me know cakes is too greasy for me...it tastes good as small amount ...btw, i am enjoying on this unforgetable dinner...ckaes that were left is kept by ramzen...and we thought to give it to sze yeun in the next day....haha.. so bAD OF US!!but i bet sze yeun must eat them ...coz they are delicious one....
About 10.00p.m. , i 'd reached home safely....around 11.oop.m. , kok xiang and sze yeun went to my home to give a tiramisu to me...xp...I'm quite touched by them ...haha...i'm happpy on my 19 birthday lool...thank you all for doing these events for me...